Leslie Farnsworth Appointed Chair of The Johns Hopkins University's Second Decade Society

Aug 01, 2015

The Johns Hopkins University has appointed FrogDog CEO Leslie Farnsworth chair of its Second Decade Society, a board of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, for the 2015-2016 academic year. The Second Decade Society is a select group of alumni who have demonstrated leadership in their professional and personal lives, as well as at the University.

Leslie was invited to join the board a number of years ago. Prior to her position as chair of the Second Decade Society, she served as the board's vice chair and as the chair and vice chair of the board's development committee.

As chair, Leslie leads the Society in its four-point mission:

  • Develop and cultivate an informed and committed alumni leadership for the Johns Hopkins University Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
  • Improve the undergraduate experience at Homewood
  • Promote meaningful interaction between alumni and students
  • Advance and support the priorities of the school in conjunction with the dean

To learn more about the Second Decade Society, visit its website.